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Trax Retail Smart Shopper

Alfa version design and concept

Smart App
Trax Smart Shopper is a mobile application that provides consumers with real-time information on products in the grocer’s aisle.
Increase sales potential by empowering your consumers to shape their own shopping experience.
How it works
The shopper starts with their shopping list, moving between the aisles using Trax’s shelf navigation option to locate their sought after items.Should they need to find a product, Trax Smart Shopper provides a content rich experience which can be easily filtered to the lifestyle needs of the shopper..
When the shopper comes across a particular item on their list and discovers that it’s missing on shelf, the next best recommendation pops up as a suggestion.
This recommendation is presented as a targeted offer, responding to their specific preferences and requirements, whilst maximizing the mobile moment with this customer.


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